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发布时间: 2019年07月12日 11时30分  作者:本站编辑   来源:本站原创   浏览次数:

姓名:张林霞                           性别:女
                                                                                   学历:博士                              职称:讲师
                                                                                   部门:                                     邮箱:zlxhappy@swu.edu.cn

     主要研究领域主要包括:信号处理、多传感器网络、分布式压缩估计、数据科学、凸优化和非线性优化中的算法设计及理论、重点研究优化技术在信号处理和统计学中的应用等。在IEEE Transactions on signal processing和IEEE Access 刊物上各发表论文1篇,EI收录论文2篇。



     1.Linxia Zhang, Dunbiao Niu, Enbin Song*, Jie Zhou, Qingjiang Shi and Yunmin Zhu, “Joint optimization of dimension assignment and compression in distributed estimation fusion,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019, 67(9): 2453-2468.

2.Linxia Zhang, Dunbiao Niu, Enbin Song* and Qingjiang Shi, “Closed-form solution for optimal compression matrix design in distributed estimation,” IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 5045-5056.

3.Linxia Zhang, Ting Ma and Enbin Song*, “On the global and linear convergence of the generalized ADMM with three blocks,”in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Estimation, Detection and Information Fusion (ICEDIF). Harbin, China, Jan. 2015.

4.Dunbiao Niu, Linxia Zhang, Enbin Song* and Yunmin Zhu. The equivalence between distributed and centralized best linear unbiased estimation fusion, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Fusion. Cambridge, UK, Jul. 2018.

   4.国家励志奖学金 (2008-2011)